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Acheivements – LRS, Palamaner
Punganur breed was crossed with Kerry bulls imported from United Kingdom. These crossbreds performed extremely well and became popular among the farming community of this area, because of high milk yields, up to more than 2000 liters compared to about 500 liters of Punganur cattle per lactation.
The station was developed as Composite Livestock Farm and served as a model demonstration unit and to supply superior breeding stock of Punganur and Hallikar draught cattle, Nellore and Mandya sheep, Jamunapari goats, Large White Yorkshire pigs and Poultry Units.
Nellore and Mandya ewes were crossed with Dorset and Suffolk rams imported from U.K and Australia and improved the mutton production potentiality of our native sheep during 1974-1990.The crossbred lambs born to Nellore &Mandya ewes were heaviest at birth, than the contemporary native pure bred lambs. The birth weight of Nellore synthetics were heavier (3.17 kg) than the Mandya synthetics (2.60 kg).
New technologies generated for Production of Progeny tested Breeding Rams for higher body weights and
Conservation of Punganur cattle.
Thus selective breeding of Nellore sheep came into operation under Network Project on Sheep Improvement, with the main objective of improving the genetic potential of Nellore sheep by selective breeding. The targets for body weight at six month (males 24 kg and females 20kg) and at one year of age (males 29 kg and females 24 kg). During reporting period, targets set for body weights at 6 and 12 months of age in males and females were achieved and the corresponding body weights were 25.47±0.56 and 30.18±0.15, 22.24±0.26 and 26.50±0.20 kg, respectively.
Further, a total of 1759 superior breeding rams were supplied to the farmers until last year for the genetic improvement of their flocks.
National Agricultural Technology Project on conservation of Punganur germplasm was also completed in 2004 through which about 4000 doses of semen were collected, processed and preserved and the semen doses were also sent to NBAGR, Karnal for ex-situ conservation.
Apart from this, “In-situ Conservation of Punganur Cattle” is in operation under non-plan scheme. Its main objective is conservation of the Punganur cattle.
Bio-secure cattle sheds two No’s which accommodates 34 cows each , an elevated sheep shed which can accommodate 250 adult ewes/500 hoggets and an poultry shed which can accommodate 1000 birds were constructed in 2018 and were in usage at present.
A new accommodation facilities for farmers were created by the establishment of farmers training center in 2018 and it is ready to use.
A total of 36 superior breeding Rams were distributed to sheep rearers in the current year 20018-19 and generated income of rupees 6,28,775. Among these 23 rams were purchased form ICAR under RKVY scheme and distributed to farmers at Yadamarimandal , Chittoor district for genetic improvement of local flocks
A total of 3,22,000 fodder slips of super napier were distributed to 68 farmers and generated income Rs. 2,08,430 during the current year 2018-2019
2843 liters of milk was sold up to December-2018 in non plan in the current year and generated income of about rupees 71,074 and 1691 litres of milk was sold under RKVY during the current year and generated income of rupees 23,086.
A total of 44 doses of punganur semen was distributed to 27 farmers and generated income rupees 5300 up to Dec-2018 in the current year