The Livestock Farm, Lam was established by Government of Andhra Pradesh in 1926
as a Composite Livestock Research Station. Later in the year 1938, the farm was
converted into Dairy farm by transferring all Ongole cattle from the Government
Livestock Farm, Chintaladeevi and in the year 1953-54 the farm was reorganized into
a buffalo breeding station. On 1-5-1967 the farm was taken over by Andhra Pradesh
Agricultural University (Later named as Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University)
from Department of Animal Husbandry and was reorganized into a Livestock Research
Station for research on buffaloes. Consequent on the sanction of All India Coordinated
Research Project on Cattle unit during March 1971 the farm was reorganized for crossbreeding
Ongole cows. The objective of the scheme was to evolve a breed of a dairy cow by
cross-breeding with Holstein Friesian and Brown Swiss bulls on Ongole cows.
In 1986 as a part of National policy on Improvement of Indigenous Cattle and conservation
of native genetic resources a “Network Project on Genetic Improvement Through Associate
Herd Testing – Ongole breed” was carried out as a part of the Indigenous breeds
project under the aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi to
study the genetic and Phenotypic variances in milk and co variance among milk and
draught and associated economic characteristics such as growth, reproduction and
survival with a view to develop suitable selection criteria for improving draught/draught
and milk; to undertake testing and selection of bulls for bringing genetic improvement
in population involved and to provide superior germplasm for utilization in development
programme for improving draught / draught and milk production.
This project was discontinued from 31-3-2014 and a new project on Conservation of
Ongole cattle was commenced from 1-4-2014 under breed conservation programme of
National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources (NBAGR), Karnal sanctioned by ICAR,
New Delhi for a period of 3 years beginning from 2014 -15 to conserve the native
Ongole cattle in its breeding tract by conducting A.I to the farmers’ cattle with
superior germplasm at field level through the nodal agencies. In addition, Embryo
transfer technology was implemented from 2000 to 2007 and produced frozen embryos
of native Ongole cattle.