Achievements during 2017-18, LRS, LAM FARM, GUNTUR
- Increased herd productivity. 45.58% of animals yielded>1000 lts. with
lactation length of 266 days.
- Reduced the Age at first calving (58 months in 2016-17 vs 51 months in 2017-18)
- Increased supply of superior germplasm (Semen, embryo, fodder slips).
- A total 78050 doses of semen was supplied to field through APLDA, JK trust etc.
With a bare minimum of 40% excepted conception rate about 31220 superior offspring’s
will be born. This way LRs, Lam Farm is largely contributing in translating the
“ongole” demography in the field.
- Successful application In-vitro embryo production technology (OPU-IVF).
- Efficient use of available land to enhance the fodder out put such as micro irrigation,
desilting of farm pond, perennial fodder production etc.
- Established Hybrid Napier Bajra (Variety-Super Napier) Perennial Fodder in 7acres
- Introduced and practicing Micro Irrigation methods for justified usage of the limited
water sources available at farm pond.
- Desilting activity was initiated, without any financial assistance from the university
through public auction.
- Supplied 30920 Fodder slips to the interested farmers.
- Developed lawns to improve the aesthetic appearance of the station.
- 50 acres of uncultivated land brought in to cultivation by providing chain-link