Studies on the performance of LWY pure breed pigs:
From the data generated, it was evident that the LWY breed could be successfully raised and multiplied under organized farm conditions with high prolificacy, faster growth rates, superior feed conversion abilities and with desired type of meat characteristics.
Studies on the performance of indigenous pigs:
Indigenous gilts were crossed with LWY Boars to produce crossbreds.
Studies on the performance of 50% LWY crossbreds:
On comparison, it was found that the 50% LWY crosses were superior to indigenous but inferior to certain extent to 75%LWY crossbreds with respect to litter traits and production traits.
Practice of Artificial Insemination in Pigs:
As mandated in the technical programme this centre is practicing AI.
Release of 75%LWY crossbred pig variety SVVU-T17:
Trainings to the farmers:
Every year one day farmers training in the management of pig farm will be undertaken.
PG Research:
This centre is providing facilities for undertaking research for PG and PhD studies. So far 24 PG and 2 PhD students have completed their research.
Development of economic rations:
Economic rations with tamarind seed, fruit waste, synthetic amino acids, shrimp shell waste, cereal by products were formulated and experimented.
Research publications:
So far 27 scientific articles were published in reputed journals.