Academic Programme and Curriculum
Academic Programmes :
Programmes offered with duration
Regulations Short Title :
These Regulations shall be called “SVVU Undergraduate Bachelor of Technology (Dairy
Technology) Regulations 2008”.These Regulations shall apply to the students admitted
from the Academic Year 2008 – 2009 and onwards.
Definitions Course of Study :
Degree Course of B. Tech. (Dairy Technology) shall comprise of a course of study
consisting of Curriculum and Syllabus provided in the course catalogue spread over
four academic years including a compulsory Hands on Training and Experiential Learning
(HTEL) of one semester duration and one semester of In-Plant Training (IPT) undertaken
after successful completion of all the instructional credit hours provided in the
Academic Year
The ‘Academic Year’ of the University shall ordinarily be from June to April (expect
in the case of year of admission) and shall comprise of two semesters consisting
of at least 210 instructional days excluding the days of examinations.
An academic term consisting of not less than 105 instructional days excluding examination
Credit Hours
Each credit hour represents one hour lecture or two to three hours of laboratory
practicals. It is also known as semester credit or credit.
A course is a unit of instruction or a segment of subject matter (as specified in
the course catalogue) to be covered in a semester. It has a specific number, title
and credits.
Midterm (Internal) Examination
Examination(s) conducted in a course (theory) by the Course Teacher after completion
of 50% of the course syllabus in a semester.
Final Theory (External) Examination
An examination conducted by the University in each course for which an external
examiner shall set the question paper (based on the syllabus of the concerned course,
a copy of which shall be sent), and also evaluate the answer papers, as per the
schedule of examination, fixed by the University at the end of each semester.
Grade Point of a Course
Each Course will be evaluated for 50 marks per credit (theory and practical separately),
which will finally be made up to 100, for awarding grade point.
Credit Point of a Course
The product of credit hours and grade point obtained by the student in the course.
Grade Point Average (GPA)
It is the quotient of the total credit points both in theory and practical of various
courses obtained by a student at the end of each semester divided by the total evaluated
credit hours taken by him/her in that semester. The grading is done on a 10 point
scale. The GPA is to be rounded to the first decimal place
It is the quotient of cumulative credit points obtained by a student in all the
subjects both in theory and practical taken by him/her from the beginning of the
first academic year of the degree course divided by the total evaluated credit hours
of all the subjects which he/she had completed up to the end of a given semester,
from the first semester. It determines the overall performance of a student in all
the subjects taken during a period covering more than one semester. The OGPA is
to be rounded to the second decimal place.
Courses, Credits and Syllabi
The details of the Courses, Credits and Syllabi shall be as prescribed by the Academic
Council from time to time.
Advisory System
The students on their admission shall be divided into convenient batches by the
Associate Dean of the College and each batch assigned to one of the teachers who
is designated as Student Advisor. Each student immediately after enrollment fills
up all the Registration Cards under the guidance of his/her Advisor. Among other
things the Advisor shall help the students in planning their academic programmes.The
Time-Table shall provide for one hour per week for the meeting of students with
Advisors. The student should make all correspondence with authorities through Advisor
Registration for the First Time in the University: Students who have received notification
of admission from the University will receive guidelines for registration from the
Associate Dean of the College.A Registration and Orientation Programme will be conducted
by the Associate Dean of the College for the benefit of the students joining the
University for the first time. Registration of students shall not be allowed after
the expiry of 25% of the working days in the semester of admission. Attendance in
respect of fresh students for the first semester shall be reckoned from the date
of registration by a particular student
Subsequent Registration
- At the beginning of each Semester there will be Registration of the Courses listed.
The student in each batch shall have to register for the set of courses offered
in “toto” for the Semester and fill in the Registration Cards. The students having
Backlog Courses can register for a part of the total set of courses fixed for that
batch and fill in the Cards. The Advisor in turn will countersign and send them
to Associate Dean’s Office. The Associate Dean’s Office shall prepare a list of
students who have Registered for each Course and send them Course-wise to the concerned
Teacher within a week after the last date of Registration.
- The payment of fees and other arrears due to the College, Departments, Hostel, Library
etc., shall precede Registration of courses at the commencement of each semester.
- The Students are permitted to Register with a late fee of Rs. 100/- for three working
days starting from the next day of scheduled Registration.
- Failed Students are permitted to take the Re-Examination in the failed courses as
per the Academic Calendar pertaining to the corresponding Semester, when offered
Study Load for Semester
The full time study load for a Student varies from 19 to 23 credits (evaluated)
per Semester as prescribed
Every student shall ordinarily attend all classes in a course. However, the minimum
attendance prescribed in a course is 75%. The minimum limit of attendance shall
be reckoned for theory and practicals separately, for every course. A student who
fails to put in the minimum attendance either in theory or practical in any course
shall not be permitted to appear for the Semester Final Examinations and his/her
Registration for that Course shall be treated as cancelled.On the recommendation
of the Associate Dean, permission may be given by the Dean of Student Affairs to
depute the Student to represent the College / University at Inter Collegiate/Inter
University meets in NCC, NSS, games and sports and other extra- and co-curricular
meets and the absence of students in such cases, shall be up to a maximum of 20%
of the working days (over and above the 25% of absence to be allowed in attendance)
provided the approved list is communicated by the Dean of Student Affairs to the
Associate Dean at least two weeks before the last working day.However, this exemption
shall not apply to the students who register for the Hands on Training and Experiential
Learning (HTEL) and In-Plant Training (IPT).(a) If a student admitted to the 1st
year does not Register the Courses of the First Semester or having registered does
not put in at least 75% of attendance in all the courses of 1st year B.Tech. 1st
Semester, his/her admission shall stand cancelled.(b) A student who has put in a
minimum of 60% of attendance and wishes to seek relaxation of the above provision
may apply to the Associate Dean giving the grounds and proof thereof due to which
he/she could not fulfill the 75% of attendance requirement. The readmission of such
a student shall be considered by a Committee consisting of Associate Dean, Advisor
of student concerned and the University Medical Officer as Co-opted Member wherever
necessary. If the Committee is satisfied, the Associate Dean may pass an order permitting
the student to continue studies by Registering the courses in which he/she has short
of attendance, when offered next in the corresponding Academic Year.Where a student
leaves the College after completion of 1st year of study for reasons beyond his/her
control, he/she shall be eligible for readmission within one year to the appropriate
year by the Associate Dean under intimation to the University. Where the period
of break exceeds one year, but does not exceed two years, a reference should be
made to the University and decision of the University shall be final.Where a student
leaves, the college taking T.C., he/she shall not be eligible for re-admission.
Mass absence of students from a Class or Examination
Absence of Students en mass from a Class or Examination shall not be condoned. The Associate Dean in addition may order suspension of the Course, if deemed necessary.
Theory Examination and Evaluation
The detailed lecture outlines in each Course shall be prepared by the Teacher(s) concerned in consultation with the Head of the Department and approved by the University Head of the Department which will be made available to the students during the first week of the Semester.The detailed guidelines for the conduct of Examination, (Internal and External), evaluation/grading, recording and preparation of mark lists, transcripts, etc., will be circulated from time to time by the University to the Colleges.(a) The schedule of examinations shall consist of Internal and External Examinations. The Internal Examination(s) would invariably be conducted on completion of at least 50% of the Course. The proportion of marks for the Internal and External Examinations in Theory shall be 50:50.(b) There shall be one Midterm (Internal) Examination comprising of objective and subjective question in the ratio of 40:60, with a maximum marks of 100 and for a duration of 2 hours.(c) The Final Theory (External) Examination will be held separately for each Course and the question paper shall have only subjective type of questions. The duration of this examination shall be 3 hours with maximum marks of 100. Syllabus of the concerned Course shall be sent to the External Examiner for setting the Question Paper. Subsequently the External Examiner would also evaluate the answer papers, which would be sent by Registered Post. The honorarium for setting the Question Paper and evaluating the Answer Scripts shall be as per University norms.The Final Theory (External) Examination shall be conducted at the end of each semester in all the Courses offered during that Semester. A compartmental examination for the students failed in one subject shall be applicable only at the end of 6th semester to facilitate the student to join the HTEL batch. For such students failed in one subject, the Regulation 11.2 (b) shall be applicable.All examinations shall be held on such dates, time and places as the University might determine. All examinations must be completed so that the results are announced before the onset of the ensuing Semester.
Unfair means during examinations
The Associate Dean of the College shall be responsible for dealing with all cases of “Use of Unfair Means” in the various examinations. The phrase, “Use of Unfair Means” includes possession of any information or material by the student, talking to other students, copying from other students or from printed or written material etc. The invigilator concerned, on finding the “Use of Unfair Means” by any student may take the answer script of the student and the material evidence, if any, and the explanation from the student. The student may also be sent out of the examination hall immediately. The Invigilator concerned shall report each case of Unfair Means direct to the Associate Dean immediately with full details of the incident, answer script, the available evidence and explanation of the concerned student, if any.The Associate Dean, on receipt of the report, may give an opportunity to the concerned student to represent his case. Considering all the available evidence, the Associate Dean shall take appropriate action immediately. The penalty shall be as indicated below
- A student found “Using Unfair Means” during the Midterm (Internal) Examination shall be deemed to have failed in that course.
- A student found “Using Unfair Means” during the Final (External) Examination shall be deemed to have failed in all the Courses he/she has registered in that academic year and/ or in such or those courses in which he appeared for Final Examination in that semester. In such cases, the student shall not be permitted to take the remaining examinations, if any, in that semester and shall also be deemed to have attempted and failed in that examination and provisions of regulation 11.2 (a) shall apply for deciding his/her promotion or otherwise.
- The Associate Dean after passing the orders shall report each case falling under (a) and (b) above immediately, to the Dean of Dairy Science.
- For “Using Unfair Means” of a serious nature such as ignoring the repeated instructions of Invigilator or abusing or threatening or assaulting the Invigilator, warranting higher penalties than those indicated in clauses (a) and (b) above, the Associate Dean, besides treating the students as failed in all the courses he registered in that Semester, may further debar the student for the succeeding Semester / year and the fact informed to the Dean of Faculty of Dairy Science. If further or more severe punishment is felt necessary, the Associate Dean shall immediately inform the University about the full details together with all the material evidence, if any, and his recommendation. The explanation or representation of the student, if any, may also be sent. The Vice-Chancellor after examining the case, may debar the student for a further period or permanently. The decision of the Vice-Chancellor is final.
Scrutiny of Grades
The student may apply to the Registrar within one week after the announcement of the Grades for scrutiny of the Totaling of Marks of the External Examination or Calculation of Grade Points obtained by him advancing sufficient reasons for such a request. The fee for such scrutiny shall be Rs. 50/- for each Course.
Practical Examination and Evaluation
There shall be one Final Practical (Internal) Examination in each course at the end of each Semester.The marks for the practicals shall be based on continuous evaluation of practical classes and a final practical examination which shall include a Viva-voce examination.
The proportion of marks between continuous internal evaluation of practical work and final practical examination shall be of 1:1.
Internal evaluation of the Practical component of a Course (25 Marks) will be based on
- Practical Record (10 marks)
- observation of the skills with which each student executes the practical including maintenance of Practical observation book/record of Case Sheet, etc. (10 marks)
- Projects / Assignments (5 marks)
- Practical Examination(25 marks): – spotting / experiment / problems, etc. and Viva-Voce. Total 50 marks per Practical Credit.
The Practical Examination will be conducted by the Course Teacher and one Teacher nominated by HOD.
Academic Status and Scholastic Deficiencies
A student shall secure an aggregate of 50% marks each in Final Theory and Final Practical, separately, for pass in a subject.(b) Overall performance of the student in various examinations including the External Examination is the criteria for passing or failing in a Course at the end of the each Semester.(c) Student obtaining a grade point of not less than 5.0 shall be considered to have passed. A student getting less than 5.0 shall be deemed to have failed and ”F” shall be indicated in the grade report.(d) The failed Students shall Re-register the Course in which they have obtained ‘F’ grade and appear for the examinations, both theory and practical, as and when offered next.(e) There will be no supplementary examination(s) during a given Semester. However, in the 6th Semester, a candidate shall be allowed conditionally to register for HTEL provided he/she failed only in one Course pertaining to III Year. He/She cannot continue the HTEL unless he/she clears the subject in the ensuing Compartmental Examination.(f) Exclusively for the students who have been conditionally promoted under regulation 11.2 (a), the University shall conduct Examinations in Theory (Midterm and or External) and Practical, within 20 calendar days after the date of declaration of results of the 6th semester. The results of such Supplementary Examination(s) shall be declared within 15 days after the examination is conducted, so that the student would join the regular batch of the HTEL.
Year of Standing
The year of standing of a student shall be determined solely on the basis of his/her completion of prescribed number of credit hours of a set of courses, in a given year.The Results of Examination shall be declared by the University and communicated to the Associate Dean and the same will be issued to the student and informed to the parents/guardians
A student will be permitted to Register III Year First Semester Courses only if he/she has passed all the I Year Courses, and to Register IV Year First Semester Courses one has to pass all the II and III Year Courses except under the Regulation 11.2 (b).
Graduation Requirements
The students shall satisfy minimum residential requirement of 6 Semesters of study, one Semester of HTEL and one Semester of IPT.
Requirements for Bachelor’s Degree
A student undergoing course of study leading to award of B.Tech. (Dairy Technology) shall pass the courses and complete the minimum number of credit hours prescribed thereof, by the Academic Council from time to time by obtaining a minimum OGPA of 5.0 in the 10 point scale.of one semester duration and one semester of(b) Hands on Training and Experiential Learning (HTEL)): Those of the students who have passed all the courses (1st to 6th semester) are eligible to Register to undergo the compulsory HTEL, to the satisfaction of the University for minimum period of one semester. HTEL has 25 non-evaluation Credits.(c) In-Plant Training (IPT): Every candidate after passing Hands on Training and Experiential Learning is required to undergo compulsory IPT to the satisfaction of the University for period of one semester, so as to be eligible for the award of the Degree of B. Tech. The IPT has 25 credits consisting of 20 Non-Evaluation Credits and 5 Evaluation Credits. The Grade Point for the five credits will be as per Regulation 3.8.
Classification of Successful Candidates
The successful candidates after completion of the graduation requirements who secured a OGPA of 5.0 or more in the 10.0 point scale shall be classified as under: OGPA: 7.50 and above Pass in First Class OGPA: 5.00 to 7.49 Pass in Second Class
Student Responsibility
All under-graduate students studying in this University are expected to know the requirements for the award of Bachelor Degree and general academic requirements and assume full responsibility for meeting them. They are expected to keep constantly in touch with their Advisors so that the latter may watch their progress and guide them in the right direction. In no case will a regulation be waived or exemption made simply because a student pleads ignorance of it.
Record of Courses
To ensure that requirements for the award of Degree have been completed by a student, the University shall keep a record of courses completed by the students. A copy of the same shall be maintained by the Associate Dean’s Office of the concerned College.
Authorities to Approve Results and Issue Pass Certificates, Transcripts
The Vice–chancellor shall approve the results on the recommendation of the Dean of Faculty of Dairy Science and Registrar shall issue the Provisional Pass Certificates, Transcripts etc., to the candidate.
Award of Diploma
A Diploma under the seal of the University and duly signed by the officers authorized in this behalf shall be presented at a Convocation to each candidate who has successfully completed the graduation requirements for the award of Degree. Diplomas of the candidates who have successfully completed the graduation requirements for the award of Degree and are admitted ‘IN ABSENTIA’ to a Degree at Convocation, shall be sent by post. The Diploma shall set forth the name of the candidate, father’s name, Degree, month and year of successful completion of the graduation requirements, etc.
Amending or Cancellation of Results
If the result of a candidate is discovered to be vitiated by error, malpractice, fraud, improper conduct or any other reasons, the Vice-Chancellor shall have the powers to amend the result in such a manner as to accord with the true position, and to make such declaration as the Vice-Chancellor may deem necessary in that behalf.If it is found that the result of a candidate has been vitiated by malpractices, fraud or other improper conduct whereby he/she has been benefited and that he/she has in the opinion of the Vice-Chancellor, been a party to or conceived at malpractice, fraud or improper conduct, the Vice-Chancellor shall have the power at any time, notwithstanding the award of a Diploma or a Certificate or prize or a scholarship, to amend the result of such candidate and to make such declaration as the Vice-Chancellor may deem necessary in that behalf, including debarring of the candidate from the University for such a period as may be specified and the cancellation of the result of the candidate in such a manner as the Vice-Chancellor may decide
Transitory Provision
These regulations shall apply to the students who shall be admitted from the academic year 2008-09 onwards.No Regulation made by the Academic Council, governing the undergraduate courses of study shall be construed, to limit or abridge the powers of the Academic Council to deal with any case or cases of any student or students of B. Tech. course in such manner as it may appear to it to be just and equitable. CurriculumDegree Nomenclature Tech (Dairy Technology): Bachelor of Technology (Dairy Technology)
System of Education
Formal Education with Semester System
Program Duration
8 Semesters (4 Academic Years)
Maximum Permissible Course Workload
23 Evaluated Credits per Semester
Course Curriculum and Credits Requirement
The course work should be completed in the first three years (6 Semesters) with 132 Instructional Credits.
The total credit requirement for the undergraduate degree programme shall be 182 credits – 132 Instructional Credits + 25 Hands on training and experiential learning + 25 In-Plant Training and report evaluation ( including five Evaluated Credits for Report evaluation) .
Evaluated and Non-Evaluated Credits
Semester-wise Course Credit Distribution
Deg |
Programmes |
Duration |
UG |
B. Tech (Dairy Technology) |
4 years |
PG |
M. Tech Dairy Technology
M. Tech Dairy Microbiology |
2 years |
Sl. No |
Departments |
Credits |
T+P |
Total |
A. Evaluated Credits |
1 |
Dairy Business Management |
16+4 |
20 |
2. |
Dairy Chemistry |
10+5 |
15 |
3 |
Dairy Engineering |
24+14 |
38 |
4 |
Dairy Microbiology |
12+6 |
18 |
5 |
Dairy Technology |
27+14 |
41 |
Total Instructional Credits |
132 |
6 |
Inplant Training Report Evaluation |
0+5 |
5 |
Total Evaluated Credits |
89+48 |
137 |
B. Non-Evaluated Credits |
1. |
Physical Education |
0+1 |
1 |
2. |
0+1 |
1 |
3 |
Hands on Training and Experiential Learning (HTEL) |
0+25 |
25 |
4 |
In-Plant Training (IPT) |
0+20 |
20 |
Department wise distribution
Dairy Business Management
No |
Code |
Cource |
Credit |
1 |
DB 111 |
Milk Production Management & Dairy Development |
3(2+1) |
2 |
DB 112 |
Economic Analysis |
2(2+0) |
3 |
DB 113 |
Environmental Studies |
3(2+1) |
4 |
DB 211 |
Financial Management and Cost Accounting |
4(3+1) |
5 |
DB 212 |
IT in Dairy Industry |
2(1+1) |
6 |
DB 221 |
Marketing Management and International Trade |
2(2+0) |
7 |
DB 222 |
Communication skills and Entrepreneurship Development |
2(2+0) |
8 |
DB 223 |
Operation Research |
2(2+0) |
Total |
20 (16+4) |
Dairy Chemistry
No |
Code |
Cource |
Credit |
1 |
DC 111 |
Physical Chemistry of Milk |
3 (2+1) |
2 |
DC 121 |
Chemistry of Milk |
3 (2+1) |
3 |
DC 122 |
Biochemistry & Human Nutrition |
3 (2+1) |
4 |
DC 311 |
Chemical Quality Assurance |
3 (2+1) |
5 |
DC 321 |
Food Chemistry |
3 (2+1) |
Total |
15(10+5) |
Dairy Engineering
No |
Code |
Cource |
Credit |
1 |
DE 111 |
Engineering Drawing |
2 (0+2) |
2 |
DE 112 |
Workshop Practice |
2 (1+1) |
3 |
DE 113 |
Fluid Mechanics |
3 (2+1) |
4 |
DE 121 |
Heat & Mass Transfer |
3 (2+1) |
5 |
DE 122 |
Thermodynamics |
3 (2+1) |
6 |
DE 123 |
Electrical Engineering |
3 (2+1) |
7 |
DE 211 |
Refrigeration & Air-conditioning |
3 (2+1) |
8 |
DE 212 |
Dairy Engineering |
3 (2+1) |
9 |
DE 221 |
Dairy Process Engineering |
3 (2+1) |
10 |
DE 311 |
Instrumentation and Process Control |
3 (2+1) |
11 |
DE 321 |
Food Engineering |
4 (3+1) |
12 |
DE 322 |
Principles of Dairy Machine Design |
3 (2+1) |
13 |
DE 323 |
Dairy Plant Design and Layout |
3 (2+1) |
Total |
38(24+14) |
Dairy Microbiology
No |
Code |
Cource |
Credit |
1 |
DM 111 |
Fundamentals of Microbiology |
3 (2+1) |
2 |
DM 121 |
Introductory Dairy Microbiology |
3 (2+1) |
3 |
DM 211 |
Starter Cultures and Fermented Milk Products |
3 (2+1) |
4 |
DM 221 |
Dairy Biotechnology |
3 (2+1) |
5 |
DM 311 |
Quality and Safety Monitoring in Dairy Industry |
3 (2+1) |
6 |
DM 321 |
Food and Industrial Microbiology |
3 (2+1) |
Total |
18(12+6) |
Dairy Technology
No |
Code |
Cource |
Credit |
1 |
DT 121 |
Market Milk |
4(3+1) |
2 |
DT 211 |
Traditional Dairy Products |
3(2+1) |
3 |
DT 212 |
Fat Rich Dairy Products |
4(3+1) |
4 |
DT 221 |
Dairy Plant Management and Pollution Control |
2(1+1) |
5 |
DT 223 |
By Products Technology |
4(3+1) |
6 |
DT 222 |
Condensed & Dried Milks |
5(3+2) |
7 |
DT 311 |
Packaging of Dairy Products |
3(2+1) |
8 |
DT 312 |
Cheese Technology |
5(3+2) |
9 |
DT 313 |
Ice-cream & Frozen Desserts |
4(2+2) |
10 |
DT 321 |
Judging of Dairy Products |
3(2+1) |
11 |
DT 322 |
Food Technology |
4(3+1) |
Total |
41 (27+14) |
Distribution Of Course Credits
Year Evaluated Credits Non-Evaluated Credits
S.No |
Year |
Evaluated Credits |
Non-Evaluated Credits |
1 |
I Year |
42 |
6 |
2 |
II Year |
43 |
5 |
3 |
III Year |
42 |
1 |
4 |
IV Year |
44 |
0 |
5 |
Total |
170 |
12 |
Semester-Wise Course Credit Distribution
Semester |
Evaluated Credits |
Non-Evaluated Credits |
I |
21 |
1 |
II |
20 |
5 |
22 |
0 |
IV |
21 |
5 |
V |
21 |
1 |
VI |
21 |
0 |
20 |
0 |
24 |
0 |
170 |
12 |