Animal Genetics and Breeding


The Department started functioning along with the inception of the college in the year 2008.

Laboratories And Equipment

The labs in the department were constructed as per the VCI specifications. The equipment is also procured as per the VCI specifications.

Teaching & Non Teaching Staff Of The Department:

POST Number
Professor 1
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor 1
Lab Technician 1
Computer operator
Animal Attendants 1

UG Courses Offered (Year Wise):

Academic year UG Courses offered
2008-19 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1)
2009-10 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (Old VCI) (1+1) AGB-221 (Old VCI) (1+1)
2010-11 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (2+1)
2011-12 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (2+1)
2012-13 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (2+1)
2013-14 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (2+1) VMD-512 (1+1) VMD-513 (1+1)
2014-15 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (2+1) VMD-512 (1+1) VMD-513 (1+1)
2015-16 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (2+1) VMD-512 (1+1) VMD-513 (1+1)
2016-17 AGB-111 (2+1) AGB-121 (2+1) AGB-211 (2+1) VMD-512 (1+1) VMD-513 (1+1)
2017-18 UNIT – I (3+1) UNIT – II (3+1) UNIT – III (3+1) VMD-512 (1+1) VMD-513 (1+1)

Computer lab of the department:

  • Teaching Computer Applications of AGB 111 for the first year B.V.Sc & A.H and UNIT – I of second Professional year B.V.Sc & A.H students under VCI syllabus. 10 batches of students were taught till now. Students will have hands on practice on computers.
  • Preparation of Class Assignments by the students for different courses
  • Computers are being utilized for data analysis by staff and PG students of the department by using various softwares.

PG Courses Offered (Year Wise):

Year Subject Credits
2015-16 AGB-607 (2+1)
2016-17 AGB-607 (2+1)
2017-18 AGB-607 (2+1), AGB-609 (2+1)
2017-18 AGB-608 (2+0)