2nd Annual meeting of Animal Physiologists Association and National conference on “Issues and strategies for physiological capacity building in animals
Department of Livestock Farm Complex
Conferences Conducted
- The following staff have attended for the seminars during the year 2017-18
- Dr. MVAN Suryanarayana has attended XVI convention cum Scientific Convention of NAVS (1) on advancement in Veterinary Sciences: Impact on Enhancing farmer’s income from 4-5th November 2017.
- Dr. B. Devasena has attended XVI convention cum Scientific Convention of NAVS (1) on advancement in Veterinary Sciences: Impact on enhancing farmer’s income from 4-5th November 2017 and Indian Association of women veterinarian conference on 21-22nd November at Hyderabad
Department of Veterinary Public Health and Epidemiology
Conferences Conducted
- This department has conducted one National Symposium on “Veterinary Public Health in Containing Bioterrorism” during the month of December 2002 with a special session on Epidemiology and Control of Anthrax.
- Organised XV Annual Conference of Indian Association of Veterinary Public Health Specialists (IAVPHS) and National Symposium on “Intersectoral Approaches to Combat Zoonoses: Strategies and Challenges” during 10, 11 October 2017 by the University.
Worhshops Conducted
National workshop on “Laboratory Based Diagnosis of Rabies and Listeriosis” was conducted on 9th and 10th October 2017 for the benefit of post graduate students of VPH, Microbiology, Pathology. About 30 PG students have attended from 5 states viz Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
Department of Veterinary Microbiology
Seminars/Workshops organized
- CCVEC sponsored ”Recent advances in diagnosis of bacterial diseases of livestock” from 23-01-2001 to 25-01-2001
- CCVEC sponsored ”Recent advances in diagnosis of bacterial diseases of livestock” and maintenance of cold chain for effective vaccination from 12-09-17 to 14-09-17
- ICAR winter school on Molecular diagnosis of diseases of small ruminants from 4th to 24th October, 2017
- XXXI Annual convention of IAVMI and National symposium on ” Innovations in
- Animal health – current challenges and future prospectives from 29-01-18 to 31-01-18.
Programmes attended / conducted by the teaching staff
- Participating in Kisanmelas and Janmabhoomiprogrammes
- NSS animal health, deworming, vaccination and awareness camps
- Conducting world zoonoses day programme on 6th of July every year.
- Creating awareness to dog owners in Dog-shows
- Creating awareness to the dog owners about vaccination schedule to be adopted
- Acting as subject matter specialist in Health committee visits to different farms.
- Conducted vanammanam programmes, swachhbharat programmes.
Department of Veterinary Gynecology & Obstetrics
Seminar / Summer School / Conferences conducted / organised
- State level seminar on buffalo reproduction at Vijayawada in 1973
- All India Summer Institute on Animal Reproduction sponsored by ICAR in 1974
- In collaboration with Director of Animal Husbandry, AP conducted Ongole Cattle Show at Guntur in 1981.
- In collaboration with Director of Animal Husbandry, AP conducted seminar on Buffaloes at Tanuku in 1982.
- Organised three VCI sponsored courses i.e., Handling of frozen semen and Reproductive Health Management in bovines to field officers.
- Organised 32nd Annual Convention and National Symposium of the Indian Society for Study of Animal Reproduction (ISSAR) from 6-8th December 2016.