Veterinary Extension


Earlier, there was no separate department for the extension education and was a constituent part of Agricultural Extension Department and overall management and administration was undertaken by Acharya N.G.Ranga Agricultural University. At the advent of VCI regulations, during the year 1995-96 the discipline of Veterinary Extension got separated from agricultural stream and established itself into a separate entity as Department of Veterinary & A.H. Extension Education. Since then, its carrying out teaching, research and outreach activities for the benefit of veterinary profession in general and veterinary graduates & livestock farmers in particular.


The department fulfills all the three mandates of the university such as teaching, research and extension.

  • Educate the students in Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education for the development of the efficient human resources and the state (Teaching).
  • Constantly generate and improve technologies for increasing production in Agriculture and for the welfare of livestock farmers (Research).
  • Assist in dissemination of the improved technologies among the farmers of the state with the view to ensure effective implementation of various livestock / rural development programmes (Extension).
Aims and Objectives :

The main aims and objectives of the Institute are as under:

  • To provide sufficient knowledge and skills in Rural Sociology, Extension Teaching Methods and Communication process and role of Digital Media .
  • To organize Training Programmes, Workshops on Communication & Extension Teaching
  • Methods/Training Methodology for Master Trainers/Subject Matter Specialists working under
  • Broad based livestock Extension.
  • To conduct Training Programmes, Workshops in specialized fields like Monitoring and
  • Evaluation, Human Resource Development, Entrepreneurship, Market Led Extension & Extension Management for Middle Level Extension Personnel working under broad based livestock Extension.
  • To organize Kisan Melas for creating awareness about new livestock based technologies helpful for augmentation of productivity and income.
  • To undertake production and publication of basic teaching/ training material, as relevant to students and extension personnel.
  • To have continuous programme of field studies on Livestock Extension through adopted Villages.
Thrust Areas
  • Communication
  • Information Technology
  • Educational Methodology
  • Capacity building
  • Organizational Development
  • Marketing
  • Human Resource Development
  • Adopted village
Clientele :

The technology is changing very fast in the discipline of veterinary sciences and to meet the requirements in changing technological environment of the departments dealing with livestock based activities and their staff need in terms of capacity building in various aspects of livestock production as well as in Communication and Extension Methodology. Therefore, this department is extending its services to Department of Animal Husbandry, Non-Governmental Oraganizations, Farmers Associations, Self Help Groups etc besides students and livestock farming community in every aspect that leads to their livelihood.

Management and Administration

Earlier, many a faculty members has struggled hard and contributed significantly in establishing the department and making a separate identity to this department at university as well as at state level. Presently Dr.G.R.K.Sharma, Professor & University Head of the department along with his team is putting fullest efforts possible to bring laurels to the department and in keeping the spree high.

Faculty Strength
S.No Designation Sanctioned Posts Existing staff Vacancies if any
1. Professor 01 01 Nil
2. Associate Professor 01 01 Nil
3. Assistant  Professor 03 01 02
Facilities Available :
  1. U.G. lab cum Audio-Video Lab: The department is having a well facilitated Under Graduate laboratory with a capacity of 30 participants along with latest facilities include Slide Projector, Overhead Projector, Epidiascope, Multi-media projector, handicam, digital camera and Public Address System to increase the effectiveness of disseminating the knowledge as well as skills.
  2. P.G. Lab. cum Seminar Hall: The department is having a well facilitated Post Graduate laboratory with a capacity of 30 participants along with latest facilities include, Laptop, LCD projector, Television, Conference table with delegate microphones, Smart podium, group discussion tables with chairs.
  3. Information centre: The department has a well established information centre with related and latest information in the form of photos, laminations, CDs and DVDs. It is also equipped with latest digi-tech equipments viz., touch screen information kiosk, digital scroller, scale model of the college and many more.
  4. Library: The department has an exclusive library with very good collection of books, journals, magazines on livestock extension, agricultural extension and allied subjects for the benefit of the under-graduate as well as post-graduate students of the department.
  5. Auditorium: It facilitates all the seminars, conferences, workshops, meetings conducted in the Institute both at college and university level.
Under-Graduate Programme

This department is offering the following undergraduate courses

List of UG courses (OLD VCI)

Course no. Title of the course Credits (T + P)
1. VAE-311 Principles and techniques of Veterinary & A.H. Extension 3(2+1)
2. VAE -321 Livestock Economics Marketing & Business Management 3(2+1)
3. VAE- 511 Livestock Entrepreneurship 1(1+0)
4. Study Circle Livestock and Livelihoods 2(0+2)

List of UG courses (NEW VCI)

Course no. Title of the course Credits (T + P)
1. VAE-311  Veterinary & A.H. Extension Education 4(3+1)
Post-Graduate Programme

This department is offering the following P.G. and Ph.D. courses

List of PG courses

Course no. Title of the course Credits (T + P)
I. Major Courses
1. AHE 601 Fundamentals of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension 3(2+1)
2. AHE 602 Communication for livestock development 2(1+1)
3. AHE 603 Diffusion and adoption of Animal Husbandry practices 3(2+1)
4. AHE 604 Extension techniques and audio visual aids 3(2+1)
5. AHE 605 Animal Husbandry Programme Planning and Evaluation 3(2+1)
6. AHE 606 Research Methodology in Veterinary and A.H. Extension 3(2+1)
7. AHE 607 Social psychology and group dynamics 3(2+1)
8. AHE 608 Animal Husbandry development programmes 1(1+0)
9. AHE 609 Developments in the concept of extension 1(1+0)
10. AHE 610 Human resource management in Animal Husbandry sector 3(2+1)
11. AHE 611 Gender and livestock development 1(1+0)
12. AHE 612 ICTS In Livestock Development 2(1+1)
II. Credit Seminar
1. Master’s Seminar 1(1+0)
III. Research
1. Master’s Research 20

List of Ph.D. courses

Course no. Title of the course Credits (T + P)
I. Major Courses
1. AHE 701 Organizational Management 3(3+0)
2. AHE 702 Farm Journalism and Public Relations 3(2+1)
3. AHE 703 Advanced Research Techniques in Social Research 4(3+1)
4. AHE 704 Training for Human Resource Development 3(2+1)
5. AHE 705 Policies and Regulations in Livestock Sector 2(2+0)
6. AHE 706 Educational Technology 3(2+1)
7. AHE 707 Dynamics of Change 2(2+0)
8. AHE 708 Organizational Communication 3(2+1)
9. AHE 790 Special Problem 2(0+2)
II. Credit Seminar
1. Doctoral Seminar – I 1(1+0)
2. Doctoral Seminar – II 1(1+0)
III. Research
1. Doctoral Research 45

List of PG courses being offered to students of other departments as supporting courses:

Course no. Title of the course Credits (T + P)
1. AHE 602 Communication for livestock development 2(1+1)
2. AHE 606 Research methodology in Veterinary And Animal Husbandry Extension 3(2+1)
3. AHE 610 Human resource management in Animal Husbandry sector 3(2+1)
4.AHE-704 Training for human resource development 3(2+1)

The P.G. Programme got initiated during the year 1996 and continued till 1998, later discontinued due to lack of sufficient staff. During 2012 P.G. as well as Ph.D. programmes were initiated simultaneously. Since then this department is regularly enriching the veterinary graduates with P.G. and Ph.D. prorgammes.

Research Projects Handled

The faculty of the department has shown keen interest in research and handled the following research projects.

Title of project Name of the sponsoring / funding agency Financial outlay PI or Co-PI Date of start Date of completion Major achievements / finding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Action research on needful information on livestock production and management for the livelihood of resource poor farmers through Touch Screen Information Kiosk SPRP, Univ. Rs. 8,50,000 Dr.G.R.K.Sharma, Principal Investigator Sept, 2006 March, 2008 Touch screen information kiosks were designed and a virtual multimedia module comprising all the aspects of livestock farming was prepared with touch sensitivity.
Technology transfer and dissemination initiatives for livestock development through development through establishment of (EM2RC) RKVY, GOI Rs. 29,95,000 Dr.G.R.K.Sharma, Principal Investigator & Dr.R.Harilal as Co-PI Oct, 2008 March, 2011 Multimedia modules developed of DVD compatibility about 70 nos. were prepared
Transfer of technology centre and demonstration unit RKVY, GOI Rs. 30,00,000 Dr.G.R.K.Sharma, Principal Investigator April, 2012 March, 2013 A ToT centre with an educational museum was established at university head quarters
Identification of curricular gaps among veterinary graduates : A multistakeholder analysis ICAR Rs, 4,75,000 Dr.G.R.K.Sharma, Principal Investigator April, 2016 March, 2017 Identified the curricular gaps as perceived by faculty and entrepreneurs
Outreach Activities Undertaken

The department is getting involved in all the three mandates of the university completely and equally carrying out the extension activities exclusively to reach the end users with latest innovation and feasible technologies.

  • Organization of farm & home visits and field visits with the students to provide first hand information to the students and to ascertain the needs of the livestock farmers in person.
  • Organization of field demonstrations to prove the university technologies even under field conditions and make the farmers to adopt the same.
  • Organization of method demonstration to introduce new skills and/or to improve the existing skills among livestock farmers on various aspects of livestock farming.
  • Organization of on campus and off campus training programmes in different aspects of livestock production and management for the benefit of the livestock farmers and farmwomen.
  • Organization of campaign and exhibitions at farmers’ places to make them informed about the technology and disseminate the same.
  • Carrying out the practical application of PRA tools towards need identification and easy inculcation of latest technologies.
  • Carrying out the regular educational and extension activities for the benefit of students and livestock farmers, respectively.
  • Providing 24×7 advisoty services (Toll Free Number: 1800 120 4209) to the livestock farmers and entrepreuners towards improving the potentials of livestock farming.
  • Carrying out the technology assessment and refining the same towards its feasibility and applicability for adoption under field conditions.
  • Organization of Kisan Mela to create awareness and educate farmers about latest farming technologies and recent developments in livestock and allied fields and to inform farmers about ongoing research in various aspects of livestock farming and to enable farmers to discuss with University scientists about problems relating to livestock and allied aspects directly as well as to provide an opportunity for the farmers to directly contact input manufacturers, dealers, and also to know about latest inputs, technologies, equipment etc. available in market.
  • Taking up the process of selection of adopted village (There should be no factions and feuds, while acceptability and cooperation of the farmers are prime requisites and village should not be a big or small in size), to improve the overall economic status of the livestock farmers and farm women, through technological interventions and farming systems approach.
Technologies Generated
  • Designed & developed an innovative disseminative technology ‘Touch Screen Information Kiosk’ along with the software on ‘virtual world of information on livestock farming’
  • Designed & developed the user specific digital scroller for effective presentation of university as well as college related information.
  • Designed & developed user specific Multimedia Modules on various aspects of dairy farming, fish farming, fish farming, dairy technology etc. to meet the information needs of end users
  • Designed & developed user friendly Mobile Apps in local language Telugu on current trends and trust aspects of livestock farming for the dissemination of latest and innovative technologies in a most effective and efficient way.