About us

Academic Programs

The University offers UG & PG degree programmes in the three faculties while Ph.D. programme is offered only in Veterinary Sciences. The Veterinary Council of India prescribed curriculum for B.V.Sc & A.H course was adopted in the year 1994 and has been updated as per 2008 and then 2016 VCI regulations.

The updated regulations are being implemented from the Academic Year 2008-09 onwards. For B.F.Sc and B.Tech (Dairy Technology) programmes, the UG Curriculum and Regulations prescribed by the IV Dean’s Committee of ICAR are being implemented from the Academic year 2008-09 onwards.

The University also offers a two-year Diploma Programme in Animal Husbandry and also in Fishery Science for rural youth who have completed 10th class (senior secondary certificate) to cater to the requirements of para-veterinary and para fishery staff of the state.

Besides, the University also offers M.V.Sc in 18 disciplines of Veterinary Science, M.F.Sc in 4 disciplines of Fishery Science and M.Tech in 2 disciplines of Dairy Science, i.e. M.Tech (Dairy Technology), M.Tech (Dairy Microbiology). Post-graduate programmes were started in the Departments of Pathology, Pharmacology & Toxicology and Livestock Production and Management during the academic year 2015-16. Ph.D. is offered in 16 disciplines of Veterinary Science at College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati and NTR College of Veterinary Science, Gannavaram.

During the period under report, activities like the modernization of classrooms, internet connectivity for students and staff, improving student amenities, strengthening of Library, UG and PG laboratories were taken up with 936 lakhs released by ICAR, New Delhi under ICAR Development Grants. Labs were established at a cost of 153 lakhs at College of Dairy Technology, Tirupati and Kamareddy under Experiential Learning Programme for hands-on training of students in the processing of milk and production of milk products.

Entrepreneurship and skill development are important activities in UG programmes and this is facilitated by providing a revolving fund of 1.0 lakh each for the programme such as sheep and goat, swine, dairy cattle rearing, feed and mineral mixture production, dairy products development, production of value-added meat and fish products etc.

The students participate in these programmes and gain the much-needed hands-on experience The Common Academic Regulations, Course Curricula and Syllabi prescribed by ICAR, New Delhi for postgraduate (Master’s and Doctoral) Education in Agriculture and Allied Sciences are being implemented from the Academic year 2010-11 onwards after approval in the 7th Academic Council Meeting.

Common PG regulations for all the three faculties prepared and will be implemented for 2020-2021 and were approved in the 20th Academic Council Meeting.


39 endowments for the 2019-2020 and few more awards approved in the 20th Academic Council Meeting and 69th Board of Management meeting during the reporting period have been instituted by various donors to reward the best performing students in the disciplines of Veterinary, Dairy and Fishery Sciences.

Student amenities


The State Government provided a scholarship of 962/- per month to the BC and 1200/- per month to the SC & ST students besides reimbursing tuition and special fee to all eligible students including economically backward and minority students. The UG students were paid a stipend of 7000/- per month during their internship/in-plant training while the Diploma students were paid 720/- per month during the fieldwork experience programme. P.G and Ph.D. students were paid a stipend of 9000/- and 10,000/-per month respectively. In all, 403 students availed scholarships to a tune of 38.7 lakhs during the year. National Talent Scholarship of 1000/- per month provided by ICAR, New Delhi was sanctioned to 42 students of other state students admitted under all India quota of VCI/ICAR and the amount sanctioned was 4.20 lakhs. An amount of Rs. 82.36 lakhs was sanctioned as a stipend for 196 final year students of the UG programmes during the internship/implant training/work experience programme. An amount of Rs. 172.0 lakhs was sanctioned as a stipend for 191 first and second-year PG students while Rs. 44.0 lakhs was sanctioned for 44 Ph.D. students.


The libraries in the constituent colleges of the university have a good collection of about 25,000 books, 70 National Journals, 54 International Journals, 138 Periodicals and Monthly Journals, 9,074 back volumes, 1851 Thesis of which 610 have digitalized and 238 video lessons. In addition, facilities such as internet access, CD-ROM search services (Database services), reprography services, literature search using EBSCOHOST and Science Direct are available. Web OPAC Data Entry, Bar Coding, Labeling, Closed Circuit TV Cameras, Air Conditioners, Automation and Solar Inverters etc., are available in the Libraries. About 80 to 90% of library functions like purchase, lending etc., have been computerized.

Computer center and Placement cell

Each college has a computer center to provide internet and other services to the staff and students. At CVSc, Tirupati 26 computers are available with internet facility. At CVSc, Produttur the library has 21 terminals with a server for providing a digital library. At NTR CVSc, Gannavaram there are 32 terminals with internet connectivity.


Facilities for 2500 students in the hostels were improved by establishing modern kitchen with steam cooking facility and by providing dining tables, chairs, utensils etc., for the mess. Cots, ceiling fans, and tables were provided in the rooms. Accommodation was provided to the parents, friends and visiting teachers.

Student activities

Students were encouraged to participate in NCC, NSS, study tours, inter-collegiate sports, games and cultural meet, All India Agricultural University Youth festivals etc. Important occasions such as College days, Hostel days, World Zoonosis day, World Environment Day, International Yoga day, Birthday of Dr.Ambedkar etc., were celebrated to foster unity, responsibility and friendship among students.

Faculty Development

The University has a policy of improving faculty competence by deputing teachers for higher studies within and outside the University. The faculties are also permitted to attend workshops, seminars, summer/winter schools and other HRD programmes to update their knowledge and skills.

The University has successfully implemented CAS 2020 under which 12 incumbent teachers were given promotion to move from one stage to the other. 20 teachers were granted deputation for PhD studies. 45 faculty members were given permission to attend workshops, symposia, seminars, annual conventions etc while 23 teachers were permitted to participate in various summer school, winter school, training programmes etc for capacity building.

Research activities

The research activities are taken up as a part of PG/ Ph.D. research in teaching departments and in the research stations with specific mandate and objectives for providing a situation-specific solution to issues affecting livestock production in the State. During the period under report, 4 research projects were implemented with a financial release of 28.9 lakhs from outside agencies. Under RKVY, nine research projects were under different stages of implementation for which the Government released an amount of 63.0 lakhs.

Salient research achievements
  • Complete feed using crop residues
  • Area-specific mineral mixture
  • Value-added dairy and fish products
  • Development of a vaccine against Bluetongue and Footrot diseases of sheep.
  • Development and large-scale propagation of Rajasri birds for backyard poultry.
  • Standardized IGY technology for developing passive immunity.
  • Conservation of Punganur and Ongole breeds of cattle
  • The technology was standardized for AI in sheep and pigs using liquid semen
  • Established P3 facility to deal with high-risk organisms. The State Level Disease Diagnostic laboratory is extending services to all over the state and is helpful in the speedy diagnosis of diseases.
  • Standardized the methodologies for molecular diagnosis of Malignant catarrhal fever
  • Conservation and of Punganur and Ongole cattle is a continuous activity of the University.
  • Developed and successfully tested a vapor absorption refrigeration system aided bulk milk cooler (500 lts).
  • Established a Fish post-harvest technology lab for hands-on training on fish and fish products
  • Standardized seed production of Bommidai for the first time in India excepting Assam
  • Standardized pond culture methodology of M. Rosenbergii (Scampi)
The following research projects are in progress at various constituent institutions of SVVU
  • “Modelling Exposure to the Biological Hazards in the Dairy Chains of Andhra Pradesh to inform Food Safety Policy” at Department of VPH, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram involving collaboration of SVVU, Tirupati, Royal Veterinary College , London and Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University is funded by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and UK’s Dept. for International Development with a financial outlay of Rs,1,80,000,00/- for a period of three years.
  • DBT Research Project entitled “Augmentation of Rural economy through Backyard Poultry Farming and value addition of milk, meat and eggs in Kadapa District of Andhra Pradesh duration of 2 years from the financial year 2020-21 & 2021-22.
  • RKVY – Establishment of backyard poultry mother unit for hatching and supply of 6 weeks chicks to the rural farmers for improving their livelihood and nutritional security under rural scenario in Rayalaseema region of AP-LRS, Siddaramapuram – “Under progress”.
  • DST project on bone regeneration in rats is ongoing at Department of Anatomy, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • Under the PSP Project. a total of 658 chicks and 1261 fertile eggs were supplied to the farmers and an income of Rs 19,465/- was generated at Department of Poultry Science, CVSc, Tirupati.
  • Lab on Wheels: an innovative point-of- care test to diagnose Chlamydiales in an One Health Setting, VPH Department, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • Entrepreneurial skill development in rural women through imparting scientific knowledge in poultry and livestock sector, Poultry Science, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • Assessment of the performance of CHR -1, CHR – 2 and COM – 3 in reducing risk of necrotic enteritis in broilers, Poultry Science, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • Exploration of genetic polymorphism in DAZL and TMEM95and their role in fertility in Ongole, crossbred and Murrah bulls, Dept. Of Animal Genetics & Breeding, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • Study of Genetic gap between Nellore Jodpi and Vizianagaram sheep by taking up the molecular characterization, Dept. Of Animal Genetics & Breeding, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • Popularization of Hygienic and Scientific Slaughter Technology of Pigs, Department of LPT, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • Establishment of fodder bank and skill based training facility for youth and farmers to mitigate fodder scarcity and for improving food and employment security in Andhra Pradesh, Dept. Of LFC, NTR CVSc, Gannavaram.
  • SERB (DST) project entitled “Study on diagnosis and prognosis of bacterial respiratory diseases in buffalo calves” at TVCC, CVSc, Tirupati.
  • Implementation of IVF-ET project as part of NMBP (Rastriya Gokul Mission) at LAM, Guntur
Fishery Science :
  • RKVY project on Establishment of antibiotic residue analysis laboratory for screening of Aquaculture products at veterinary hospital complex, SVVU, Vishakhapatnam – Ongoing (Department of Fish Processing Technology)
  • Surveillance of fish and shellfish diseases in selected districts of Andhra Pradesh is the ongoing project at Dept. of Aquatic Animal Health Management, CFSc, Muthukur (NFDB Funded & NBFGR (ICAR), Lucknow organized NSPAAD project).

Outreach activities

The important outreach activities include, 12 organized 12 national and international seminars, training Veterinary Assistant Surgeons, Para Veterinarians, Fishery Development Officers, Para fishery staff etc., in the latest techniques of disease diagnosis and treatment.

Training programmes for farmers and public on animal husbandry and dairy entrepreneurial activities were organized. Information on latest technologies related to health, production, and management of livestock, product development, preservation, and marketing was provided to the farmers, unemployed youth and entrepreneurs through mass media both in print as well as in broadcast (AIR) and telecast forms. 48 phone-in-live programmes and recorded programmes were telecast through Doordarshan, ETV, and various private television channels. The information center is functioning in each college to furnish relevant information useful to farmers on different aspects of Livestock, Dairy Technology, and Fishery Production. The faculty and students have participated in Regular and Special NSS camps, Human and Animal Health camps, NCC activities, conferences and workshops etc., as part of the curriculum besides participating in government programmes like Rythu sadassulu, Rythu Chaitanya Yatra’s, Polam pilustondi, Janma Bhoomi programs etc.

Awards and recognitions

The faculty received wide recognition and appreciation for their efforts in teaching, research and extension activities in Veterinary, Dairy Technology, and Fishery Sciences. 14 faculty members were conferred with honors that included State Best Teacher award and Best Research Scientist award besides best article and best poster awards in different conferences, symposia, workshops etc.


The faculty published 211 research articles and 25 popular articles during the period under report.


The Mandate of the University is

  • To impart Education in different branches of Veterinary, Fishery and Dairy Sciences
  • To promote Research in Production and Post-Harvest Technology including processing and marketing in Veterinary, Dairy and Fishery Sciences.
  • To undertake the extension of such Sciences to the rural people of the State of Andhra Pradesh.


Our Mission

The mission of the University is to facilitate sustainable growth and development of livestock and allied sectors by building competent human resources for generating and developing scientific know how, situation-specific, cost-effective and easily adaptable technologies.

The University shall work for
  • Improving the quality enhancement of education in Veterinary, Dairy and Fishery sectors in order to produce competent graduates and postgraduates to increase livestock wealth and to benefit livestock farmers, fish farmers, and processing industries.
  • Enhancing the productivity and profitability of livestock and fisheries under different farming systems of the State with emphasis on natural resource planning and environmentally sustainable management practices.
  • Intensifying basic and applied research in the areas of animal and fish production, health and management to tackle the existing and emerging situations.
  • Developing appropriate strategies to tackle the future disasters affecting livestock welfare by forecasting based on scientific knowledge.
  • Suggesting timely livestock development policy initiatives for the state of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Attaining expertise and efficiency in the application of Biotechnology and other cutting-edge technologies for improving livestock productivity.
  • Post-harvest handling and value addition to livestock, dairy and fishery products.
  • Developing cost-effective livestock farm machinery, equipment, renewable energy sources etc.
  • Develop appropriate human resources to meet the future demands at the National and International level.


  • The Vice-Chancellor as Chairman
  • The Chancellor
  • The Vice-Chancellor
  • The Registrar
  • The Comptroller
  • The Dean of Student Affairs
  • The Deans of the various Faculties
  • The Director of Research
  • The Director of Extension
  • The Controller of Examinations
  • The Estate Officer and Such other persons in the service of the university as may be prescribed.

Staff & Students

Detailed Information about Current SVVU Students:

Programme wise students admitted during 2017-18

Programme Students Admitted
Boys Girls Total
BVSc & AH 95 130 225
BFSc 18 18 36
B.Tech (Diary Technology) 28 (17 PVT College) 20 (08 PVT College) 48
MVSc, 33 49 82
MFSc 4 6 10
M.Tech 0 1 1
Ph.D 3 4 7
Diploma in Animal Husbandry 90 120 210
Diploma in Fisheries 22 17 39
 Total Student Strength of the University Boys Girls Total
BVSc & AH 499 575 1074
B.Tech (DT) 64 31 95
BFSc 60 71 131
MVSc 75 94 169
MFSc 9 9 18
M.Tech 0 4 4
Ph.D 23 17 40
Diploma in AH 183 233 416
Diploma in Fisheries 48 29 77
Total 961 1063 2024
Affiliated Colleges
B.Tech (DT) 17 8 25
Diploma in AH 83 65 148
Diploma in Fisheries 30 19 49
Diploma Dairy processing 32 17 49
Total 162 109 271
Grand Total 1123 1172 2295
Detailed Information about Current SVVU Faculty:
Sl. No. Name / Category of Post Sanctioned In Position Vacant
A University Administration      
1 University Officers (EO and Comptroller) 2 2 0
2 University Officers (Professor Cadre) 8 8 0
3 TO to VC (Professor Cadre) 1 0 1
B Faculty (Teaching & Research)      
1 Professor / Principal Scientist/  Associate Dean 71 69 02
2 Associate Professor 109 38 71
3 Assistant Professor 256 149 107
88 (Contract)
Sub total 447 266 181
Sl. No. Name of the Constituent College /Faculty No. of Total Sanctioned In Position (No. of  Faculty based on Designation)
Prof. Assoc. Prof Asst. Prof. Total Prof. Assoc. Prof. Asst. Prof. Total
1 CVSc, Tirupati 20 20 69 109 27 08 40+10 CT 85
2 NTR CVSc, Gannavaram 19 32 61 112 27 08 45 80
3 CVSc , Proddutur 19 32 58 109 07 06 31+27 CT 71
4 CFSc, Muthukur 02 10 26 38 01 07 20 28
5 CDT, Tirupati 05 05 08 18 01 03 3+6 CT 13
Total 66 99 222 386 63 32 182 307

Strategic Plan

Coming Soon


Dr. Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy
The then Hon'ble Chief Minister of A.P.

The establishment of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University was the culmination of efforts during the period, 1955 to 2006 to strengthen education and services in the fields of Veterinary Science, Dairy Technology and Fishery Science in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

The establishment of three Veterinary Colleges, the first at Rajendranagar during 1946, the second at Bapatla during 1955 and the third at Gannavaram during 1998, paved the way for strengthening Veterinary education in the State. The Veterinary College at Bapatla was shifted to Tirupati during December 1957. The College of Fishery Science was started at Muthukur, Nellore Dt. during 1991. The College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati celebrated Golden Jubilee Year during July 2004 to July 2005 and the year-long Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the College were officially inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, Dr.Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy on 30th September 2004.

On that occasion, the Chief Minister, while highlighting the importance of livestock and aquafarming in the overall economy of the state, announced the establishment of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University at Tirupati. In tune with the promise of the Hon’ble Chief Minister, the State Cabinet at it’s meeting on 4-3-2005 decided to establish the University at Tirupati and the Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University Act, 2005 was passed in the State Legislative Assembly on 30 Mar 2005. The University was created by bifurcating the faculty of Veterinary Science comprising of Veterinary Science, Fishery Science and Dairy Science from Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad.

The Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Dr.Y.S.Rajasekhara Reddy inaugurated Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University in the premises of College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati on 15 Jul 2005 coinciding with the valedictory function of its Golden Jubilee celebrations.

Dr.Priyadarshi Dash, IAS, Principal Secretary to Government, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department was appointed as Special Officer through GO RT No.383 A.H.D.D & F(AH II) Dept. dated 05-08-2005.

Later, Dr.Manmohan Singh, I.A.S., Commissioner, Tribal Welfare, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh was appointed as Special Officer and he assumed charge on 25th May 2006. Subsequently, Dr.Manmohan Singh was appointed as First Vice-Chancellor of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University vide G.O.MS.No.59 of Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development & Fisheries (AH II), Department, Govt. of Andhra Pradesh. He assumed charge on 15-07-2006 and continued up to 11-11-2007. Dr.Priyadarshi Dash, IAS was the i/c Vice-Chancellor during the period from 12-11-2007 to 14-04-2008.

Dr. D.V.G. Krishna Mohan was the Vice-Chancellor from 14-04-2008 to 11-01-2010, while Dr. Md. Hafeez, Director of Research acted as the Vice-Chancellor In-charge from 12-01-2010 to 26-10-2010. Dr. V.Prabhakar Rao has been appointed as the Vice-Chancellor for a period of three years and he assumed charge on 27-10-2010. He was relieved on the AN of 25-10-2013 on completion of his term. Dr.Manmohan Singh, I.A.S., Special Chief Secretary to Government, AH DD & F Dept acted as the Vice-Chancellor from 31-10-2013 to 16-04-2017.

Dr. Y.Hari Babu assumed charge as the Vice-Chancellor on 17-04-2017 and relieved on 16-04-2020. Dr.(Smt.). Poonam Malakondaiah, IAS assumed charge as Vice-Chancellor on 17-04-2020 and relieved on 04-08-2020.

Prof. Velugoti Padmanabha Reddy assumed charge as the Vice-Chancellor on 05-08-2020 and relieved on 04-08-2023. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi IAS assumed charge as Vice-Chancellor on 05-08-2023 and relieved on 18-07-2024.

The Present Vice-Chancellor I/C Dr. J.V. Ramana assumed charge on 19-07-2024.