

The University was established with powers to provide instruction, training and research in Veterinary, Fisheries and Dairy sciences and to undertake the extension of advances in science and technology to the rural people of the State of Andhra Pradesh.

The University organizes trainings / refresher courses to up-date the knowledge of the farmers of the state, Gopala Mitras, Para-veterinarians and Veterinarians of state Animal Husbandry department, Faculty and students of state Agricultural universities. It also conducts short and long term courses to train trainers and brings out publications in vernacular language on new technologies and methods for the benefit of farmers.

Extension Stations

Krishi Vigyan Kendra LAM Farm Guntur

The KVK, Guntur is constituted with cent percent financial assistance from ICAR, New Delhi and started functioning form 13.02.2012 under the administrative control of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupati. The University has allotted 59.21 acres of land available at LRS, Lam Farm, Guntur and made budgetary provision of Rs. 613 Lakhs to create infrastructure facilities for the establishment of KVK in Guntur District, which comes under the newly established Capital Region Development Agency (CRDA).

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Centre for Continuing Veterinary Education

As per the Academic Council Resolution of SVVU, No. 338 dated 08.01.2013 and Board of Management Resolution No.1076 dated 31.01.2013, it was approved to create a Centre for Continuing Veterinary Education and Communication (CCVE) to look after the Training Programmes, Publications and Information activities based at Administrative Office, SVVU, Tirupati under the control of Director of extension

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Outreach Activities

  • The number of extension activities include participation in melas, exhibition at different functions organized by university and private industries, consumer awareness programme was undertaken by the college during the last five years
  • Present infrastructure is not sufficient, new buildings are under construction.
  • There is a need to increase strength of faculty members.
  • Underutilization of resources available at the college for revenue generation.
  • Research projects from young faculty members are lacking.
  • Physical instructor exclusively for the college is required.
  • Young faculty members require more frequent trainings/ refresher courses and participation in conferences such trainings are also mandatory for promotion through CAS.
  • There is a need to establish student training dairy, which is under construction
  • Insufficient advanced teaching aids for extension, trainings and teaching.
Plans for improvement
  • Revenue generation through the effective utilization of resources available at college.
  • Promoting/ sending teachers for trainings and refresher courses.
  • Promoting research related activities at the college.
  • Promoting students for inter-college and inter-university competitions.
Co-curricular activities

Co-curricular activities for overall development of the students viz Cultural, Literary, Fine arts and Sports & allied activities are organized regularly by the Officer In-Charge of Student Activities (OSA) of this college. The students are encouraged and guided to take part in this for the overall development. Students of College of Dairy Technology have won many prizes in Inter collegiate Sports and Cultural meet held in this university. Special guest lecturers of experts from different fields like social, sports, economics, agriculture sciences etc are arranged on various subjects to the UG students to encourage their confidence and value addition in the development process of his/her career with respect to their future.

Every year students celebrate birth and death anniversary of national leaders. Students also celebrate Ganesh-festival and deepavali and other programmes to build unity and rejuvenate among themselves. Students actively participate in various cultural activities, sports, and debate and elocution etc. competitions and bring honour to the college

Follow up services for alumni

The alumni of College of Dairy Technology, hitherto known as Dairy Technology Programme, formed as association by the name “ANGRAU DT graduates and Students Association” in the year 2004. Recently the name has been changed to “                        “ . The association has its members, the former students of the College of Dairy Technology and have been meeting from time to time, at least once in a year. The highlights of such meeting are the lectures given by the senior alumni to the students in the college and share their experiences and explain about the future prospects. The interaction between the alumni and the present students have been lively and given confidence to the students about the bright future in the dairy industries. The alumni had come forward and instituted a medal for                                                 .Some of the individual alumni had also come forward to support any student in financial need, in their personal capacity, there by establishing a strong bond between alumni and students studying at present.

National Service Scheme (NSS)

The Department of Youth Affairs and Sports in the ministry of Human Resources Development, Govt. Of India, sponsors the National Service Scheme (NSS). Each batch is enrolled for NSS and participates in NSS activities of the college. The strength of NSS units is decided by the University Advisory Committee for NSS, working under the chairmanship of Hon’ ble Vice Chancellor.

NSS activities comprises of two heads viz., regular NSS activities and NSS special campaign program. The various programmes such as blood donation, tree plantation, land levelling, campaign for cleanliness, national cleanliness campaign, special plantation drive etc. are organised as special campaigns.

Activities of center for continuing veterinary education and communication:

The following activities are being conducted / organized in the center for continuing veterinary education and communication, Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupathi:

  • Organizing trainings to Assistant Professors of Sri Venkateswara veterinary university
  • Organizing trainings to Veterinary Assistant surgeons of Andhra Pradesh on latest development in veterinary sciences.
  • Workshops and interactive meetings are being organized to Stakeholders of Andhra Pradesh.
  • Training programmes are being organized to livestock farmers, fish farmers and Self Help Groups (SHG).
  • Coordinating with Animal Husbandry department of Andhra Pradesh in organizing training to farmers
  • Publication of Annual reports of Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University
  • Preparation of CD/ DVD’s on technical matter for the benefits of farmers
  • Preparation of pamphlets and booklets on livestock management and disease prevention etc.
  • Preparation of pamphlets in vernacular language for the benefit of farmers.
  • Organizing Kisan Melas
  • Liaisoning with press and electronic media on university matters.

Training Programs


Faculty Development Programme


NAARM Training Programme

RBK Visites

Trainig and Awairness Programmes on Backyard Poultry

Training Programms at KVK Guntur

Meetings and workshops

One day workshop for Effective delivery of Livestock Extension Services

One-day workshop on “Capacity building of stake holders for effective delivery of Livestock extension services in Andhra Pradesh” was organized on 4th July, 2017 by Center for Continuing Veterinary Education and Communication (CCVEC), Tirupati with the objectives of assessing the training needs of the field veterinarians and livestock owners; to formulate strategies for improving the coordination among the stakeholders of livestock development and to identify important veterinary extension activities for SVVU.

A total of 65 participants representing officers from AHD and SVVU and 21 progressive livestock farmers from all the districts of Andhra Pradesh attended the workshop The participants were oriented about the necessity of training need analysis by Dr.S.V.N Rao who acted as one of the resource persons. The necessary data were collected by administering separate questionnaires to AHD officers, SVVU officers and Livestock owners. A total of 17 training needs were identified and out of them these four training needs i.e., Disease diagnosis and treatment, Improving fertility in bovines, Cultivation of fodder and fodder development and Animal production technologies were indicated as consensus training needs by all the three groups and hence considered important for the SVVU to develop suitable training programmes with focus on skills and attitude in consultation with AHD for improving the capacities of the farmers and field veterinarians.

World Zoonosis Day Celebrations at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, CVSC, Tirupati

“Free Anti Rabies Vaccination Programme” was conducted on the eve of “World Zoonosis Day” on 6th July 2017 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati. Dr.P.Eswara Prasad, Associate Dean, CVSC, Tirupati presided over the function and Prof Y.Haribabu, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Sri Venakateswara Veterinary University was the Chief Guest.Sri.C.Hari Kiran, IAS, Vice-Chairman, TUDA & Commissioner, Tirupati Municipal Corporation; Dr.Kantha Rao, DIG, Rayalaseema Zone attended as Guests of honour for the programme. About 500 dogs were vaccinated on this occasion. All the 4th and final year BVSC & AH students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the college participated in the event.

Rayalaseema Zone attended as Guests of honour for the programme. About 500 dogs were vaccinated on this occasion. All the 4th and final year BVSC & AH students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the college participated in the event.

Workshop on “Academic rules, Regulations and Service matters”, CVSC, Tirupati

A two day workshop was conducted on “Academic rules, regulations and service matters (ARS) for SC and ST faculty members of SVVU” by Prof B. Rambabu Naik, Course Director and Convenor SC & ST Cell, SVVU, Tirupati. Prof.T.S Chandrasekhara Rao, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Science attended as Chief Guest and the function was presided by Dr.P. Eswara Prasad, Associate Dean, CVSC, Tirupati . 35 participants attended from various institutes of the university and made the work shop grand success.

Adopted Villages

As a mandate of the University and to reach the livestock farmers with suitable practices through a novel concept of lab to land, college of veterinary science, Tirupati adopted a village named “Balija Palli” on 1.4.2017, on the eve of Animal Husbandry day. The said village was adopted with a strategic inaugural function, wherein, Dr.D.Sreenivasulu, Director of Extension, Dr. M.Srinivasa Rao, Joint Director (AH), Chittoor District, Dr.P.S.Karunanidhi, Member, BOM, Dr.P.Eswara Prasad, Associate Dean, have participated along with the livestock farmers. As a mark of initiation, the institution had distributed 10 Rajasri birds to five progressive farmers along with feed on free of cost basis. Gobar gas plants were initiated in the village with the support of private organizations Honourable Vice-Chancellor Prof Y. Hari Babu, PhD was felicitated by Newly elected Non teaching central association members on 07-08-2017 at College Auditorium, College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati. The non teaching staff from various colleges, research stations and farms attended the meeting and made the felicitation function grand success.

Activities at Adopted Village

College of Veterinary Science, Proddatur

Eye Camp: College of Veterinary Science, Proddatur conducted a Human eye camp in association with Ravi Nethralaya hospital, on 12.09.2017 at Sunnapurallapalle, the adopted village. A total of 129 individuals were treated on this occasion. The camp was inaugurated by Smt. Aruna, MPP, Jammala madugu and Dr.C.Ravi, Ophthalmologist, Ravi Nethralaya, Proddatur.

College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati

The College of Veterinary Science, Tirupati adopted a village named “Balijapalli” of P.V. Puram Panchayat, Ramachandrapuram Mandal, Chittoor District. Activities like treatment of ailing animals, de-worming, de-ticking and vaccination are being carried out regularly on weekly basis. A team of staff and students from clinical, production and extension departments visited the adopted village on every Tuesday i.e., 04.05.2017, 11.05.2017, 18.05.2017 and 25.05.2017 in this month.

Besides, the department of Veterinary Extension conducted a bench mark survey, socio-economic survey and survey on livelihood security of all the villagers to know the existing status of the villagers in general and livestock farmers in particular before adoption of the village.

Success Stories

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E-news Bulletin


  • Issue 1: News Letter April to June 2024 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter July to September 2024 [download]
  • Issue 3: News Letter October to December 2024 [download]
  • Issue 4: News Letter January to March 2024 [download]


  • Issue 1: News Letter April to June 2023 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter July to September 2023 [download]
  • Issue 3: News Letter October to December 2023 [download]
  • Issue 4: News Letter January to March 2023 [download]


  • Issue 1: News Letter April to June 2022 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter July to September 2022 [download]
  • Issue 3: News Letter October to December 2022 [download]
  • Issue 4: News Letter January to March 2022 [download]


  • Issue 2: News Letter January to March 2021 [download]
  • Issue 1: News Letter April to June 2021 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter July to September 2021 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter October to December 2021 [download]


  • Issue 1: News Letter July to September 2020 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter October to December 2020 [download]


  • Issue 1: News Letter January to March 2019 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter April to June 2019 [download]
  • Issue 6: News Letter July to September 2019 [download]
  • Issue 7: News Letter October to December 2019 [download]


  • Issue 1: News Letter January 2018 [download]
  • Issue 2: News Letter November 2018 [download]
  • Issue 3: News Letter December 2018 [download]

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